Secure your spot in our intensive, online Instructor-led boot camp that kicks off daily at 8:30 AM and runs until the day’s training is complete. Each session includes dynamic instruction and homework assignments to reinforce your learning, while the latter half of the day is reserved for taking the exam. Please note, that this purchase covers the live training portion only, you’ll still need to grab the corresponding exam voucher and online course.
Choose from a range of CSI Linux certifications, including:
- Certified Investigator (CSIL-CI)
- Certified OSINT Analyst (CSIL-COA)
- Certified Social Media Investigator (CSIL-CSMI)
- Certified Darkweb Investigator (CSIL-CDWI)
- Certified Computer Forensic Investigator (CSIL-CCFI)
- Certified Covert Communications Specialist (CSIL-C3S)
- or become a Certified Instructor (CSIL-CINST)
After your purchase, simply email with your order number, chosen course, and start date from our schedule. Soon, you’ll be on your way to mastering CSI Linux and the chosen subject matter of your choice.