In this issue of Cyber Secrets, we are covering the attack and exploitation phase with a ton of examples ranging from vulnerability scans to egg hunter buffer overflows to privilege escalation. The hands-on labs are fun and some take some public targets anyone can download and throw a new spin on them to help practice your tradecraft. You will also find some interesting tips and tricks that may just help you fill in that one piece you have been looking for. Here is a sample of the subjects: Build a Hacker Toolkit, Dark Market Services, Dark Web Corner, I2P Search Engines, Tor Email / Messaging Services, Industrial Control System Vs. IT, Data Breaches, Introduction to Malware, APT41: Profiling and Tool analysis, NMAP – The Network Mapper, Network Vulnerability Scanning w/ OpenVAS, REXECD Attack Walkthrough, SEH Egghunter Buffer Overflow, Privilege Escalation: A Stairway to Heaven, Digital Steganography: Image, Text, and Network Steganography Walkthroughs
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