Do you do some form of Cyber Forensics or want to learn how or where to start? Whether you are specializing in dead box forensics, doing OSINT investigations, or working at a SOC, this publication has something for you. Inside, there are articles and hands-on walkthroughs written by different authors covering the basics of the “8” layers of the OSI model(“Cake”) along with cyber forensics methods that fall into different areas of the stack. Included is information about the Dark Web, Forensic Imaging of drives, Data Recovery, Network Analysis (Ripping apart Trickbot traffic), Email Investigations, Visualizing threats, and more…
LaShanda –
Great Read
The Cyber Secrets publication, The 8 Layers of the OSI Cake was a great read. I really enjoyed the theme of the “OSI cake” and the content. This publication covers a range of topics. You will definitely learn some valuable information from this publication.
Dennis –
You want to see this book!
This book was not what I expected in truth it’s much more than I had hoped for what I saw were some examples of concrete things that I could do along with some exclamations of things I need to know trust me you want this book.
Happy –
Must read material for anyone aspiring to a career in cybersecurity/DFIR
This book was so much more than I thought it was going to be! It is a how-to guide for maximizing forensic activity in each of the 7 OSI layers. Not a book you can race through, the authors of each section walk the reader through the different tools and steps to take to investigate activity in each layer. I’ll be reading it again and keeping it at my desk for quick reference.
Nitiksha –
Nice beginner friendly content…
The theme of the book is amazing and content is nice. Sometimes it’s digging a little deep into the specifics, but its good regarding Digital forensics and Network related stuff.